Not As Crazy As You Think

In the style of magical realism, Not As Crazy As You Think is a memoir that tells the story of a free-spirited dreamer who in 1994 travels to India to see the Taj Mahal. Instead of receiving spiritual enlightenment, Jennifer contacts a life-threatening illness, and by the grace of a compassionate auto rickshaw driver, she arrives to her emergency flight back to New York on time. But in a sudden near-death-experience on the airplane, she realizes the mental realm is quantum and non-local. After falling into the hands of the psychiatric institution, however, who take over her life through forced drugging and involuntary hospitalizations, she realizes the only way to prove she is more than a genetic defect is to kill the Dead White Man Virus. With the help of her guides inside her shamanic journeys, Jennifer attacks with passion and satire the roots of these human evolution theories that call her bipolar “kind” unevolved. In her quest, what she finds not only proves her sanity, but also exposes a major missing link to systemic racism in America today.