Naming Madness & Saving Normal

Imagining Something New   They did it. They succeeded in helping me see myself as a bipolar defective again instead of the talented, strong, intelligent and beautiful human being that I really am. In the 1997 movie Good Will Hunting, starring Robin Williams and Matt Damon, psychologist Sean Macguire tries an alternative approach to reach…

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My Case Against the Psychiatric Institution: The Full Report and Nothing But The Truth

 A Cause Worth Fighting For: My Freedom The Politics of Psychiatry Critics of psychiatry encompass far more than the scientologists. Many are affected by the institution’s wrongdoings. Over two decades have passed since I was first labeled a bipolar mental case, and psychiatry has never evolved in its perception of the human mind. Their theories…

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My Story On Meds

The Psychiatric Sentence Yes, I’ve been laced on psychiatric medication for 22 years. After my failure of a trip to India in 1994, (where I suffered from acute dysentery and almost died, and subsequently had a near-death-experience on my plane trip home), I had a mental meltdown due to the trauma, and I landed in a…

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Psychiatric Labeling: A Modern Day Crime

We Are Not Behavior Alone In 1994, I was labeled with bipolar disorder. I always hated to divulge this juicy nugget of info to doctors or budding friends, and I never revealed it to employers. By sharing this label I was submitting to society’s stigma and thwarted conclusion of what everyone felt this “illness” actually…

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Freud’s Psychoanalysis: Is It Time We Moved On?

Psychiatry’s Relationship to Psychoanalysis I can’t get away from it. I see them everywhere. The four-eyed doctors sitting with analytical cruelty behind a one-dimensional interpretation of reality that I see as senseless. There she is. As I exit the Mount Kisco Greek diner she’s sitting there proud and straight-backed, robotic and brainwashed. It’s Dr. Innez.…

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